Hey, I’m Amanda.

“Acceptance doesn’t mean resignation. It means understanding that something is what it is and there’s going to be a way through it.”

I recovered from a 25 year battle with an eating disorder (anorexia, bulimia, binge eating) so I understand how living with an eating disorder can feel like living in hell.

My approach is empowering and compassionate. I believe everyone can live in food freedom, body love, and self love. I provide eating disorder recovery coaching - helping people access to their inner awareness, shift their mindsets, and nourish their bodies toward recovery.

I am a woman, a mother, a wife, a sister, a daughter who went from broken to soaring. I learned how to love myself, how to love my body, how to thrive, find my passion and purpose, and feel free around food. I am on a mission to help you do the same.

I believe everyone can recover.

My Approach


Me and you. I believe in the power of a collaborative approach that combines the connection of the mind, body, and soul. One where we rewire the neuropathways in the brain in order to integrate this connection and bring you to a place of food freedom, body love, self love, and recovery.


Eating disorders are different in each unique individual. I have lived with an eating disorder so I know what it means having to battle this illness day in and day out. I am here to support you through it all. I will be your fiercest cheerleader, your loving soundboard, and a guide for when you’re feeling just so stuck.

One-on-One Coaching

We are in this together. I offer support through virtual one-on-one coaching via a safe and private video chat service. Or we can do voice calls. We will be together for 4 months, with regular coaching sessions.

What I offer:

WhatsApp Support Between Calls

Struggling in between sessions? I am here for you. I offer 24/7 WhatsApp private chat support between sessions so you can reach out whenever you need it.

Extra Care

If you’re feeling really challenged with something and your eating disorder is screaming at you, we can plan to have a little 15 minute support session in-between our regular sessions.

More Info:

  • The 4 Month Commitment

    I think it's important to be together for long enough to make real, established changes. And this takes time. We will be together for 4 months, with 30 minute calls every 2 weeks.

    Alternatively, if you don't want to do video calls we can meet on a voice call only.

  • Support via WhatsApp Messaging

    I am here for it all!

    Message me 24/7 and I will get back to you within 24 hours.

    You have full access to me between calls. I can mentor you through your struggles, roadblocks, and anything else that comes up for you. This is where the magic is!

  • Extra Care

    Sometimes we just need a little extra boost. A little extra inspiration.

    You and I can jump onto a video or voice call and I can give you a little extra care or assurance.

    You have access to two of these little bonuses during our months together.

  • Cost Commitment

    The investment in yourself is $1200 USD for the time we are together. This includes all the calls, the WhatsApp support, the extra care, and my full guidance, love, and wisdom.

    For those just wanting WhatsApp support, but no calls, please contact me to discuss.

  • Call Times

    My usual working hours are between 10am and 2pm PST. But I may be able to have some flexibility surrounding this. We can chat about this further on a consultation call.

Listen up.

Hope on over to Spotify to listen to my podcast - From Broken To Soaring. I share my story and my knowledge about recovery, mindset shifts, what I did, what I know, tips and advice.

Connect with me on Instagram.

Here I share lots of helpful recovery advice, knowledge, inspiration, hope, and personal anecdotes about myself.

Qualifications & Credentials:

  • Lived experience - 25 years with an eating disorder - anorexia, bulimia, binge eating.

  • Fully recovered into food freedom, body love, self love.

  • Eating disorder coach training with Victoria Kleinsman.

Perhaps you could consider me more of a mentor. A person who can share their own experience with you - how you can use my experience and knowledge and guidance. I can help guide you into your own recovery.

I will challenge you, help you reflect on yourself, help you rewire your brain (patterns, thoughts, limiting beliefs, behaviours).  I give you my knowledge, guidance, love.

You will see in me the results you desire for yourself. The recovery you desire for yourself. The freedom you desire for yourself. I got here - to this destination - so that I can help you get here too.


"I've known Amanda since she first came to me for recovery coaching. Throughout our time together, Amanda has shown nothing but strength and courage, fully embracing this challenging journey. She never settled for anything less than complete food freedom and body love, always digging deep, doing the work, and asking the right questions.

I’m thrilled that Amanda is now stepping up to help others on their recovery path! She is FULLY recovered and has walked the walk. With 25 years of lived experience—anorexia, bulimia, binge eating—Amanda knows the journey inside and out. She’s done the deep inner work around trauma and body image to reach a place of total peace and freedom within herself. She will guide you through your own recovery, challenging you, helping you reflect, and supporting you in rewiring your brain—your patterns, thoughts, limiting beliefs, and behaviours. You'll have her knowledge, guidance, and love every step of the way.

Amanda knows exactly how to support you in finding your own version of where she is now. Not only has she had me as her recovery coach for over 8 months and now as her business mentor, but she has also been consistently developing herself both personally and spiritually. She continues to do so, ensuring that you're in good hands.

Truly, anyone who will have the privilege of working with Amanda will be truly blessed."

-Victoria Kleinsman: International food freedom & body love coach 

“Everything you need to be ok is already within you.”

A few of my favourite things:

Book - The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. This book is so lovely! All about following your dreams and finding your purpose.

Podcast - The Body Love Binge by Victoria Kleinsman.

Food - Grilled cheese, but I also love Scottish oatmeal.

Place to be - home with my family. But I also love London and New York.

Dessert - ice cream or cake. But not together. Perhaps one preceding the other, but never together.

Quality in a person - kindness or honesty.

Let’s Do this!

Schedule a free 1:1 introductory consultation call with me - let’s get to know each other and see if we’re a good fit.

Get More Info:

Not quite ready to book a consult yet? Or just want more information? Feel free to send me a message and I can get in touch. I look forward to hearing from you.


  • First things first, don't be nervous. I have been where you are. Deep breath. We'll start with a free consultation call to determine if we are a good fit for one another. We can go into your history and you can ask me any questions you might have.

  • We are together for 2-6 months with regular video coaching sessions, and WhatsApp support whenever you need me. I am here for you.

  • It sure is!

    If you struggle with anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, orthorexia, OSFED, ARFID, or any other form of disordered eating, then this is for you.

    It is also for you if...
    - You label foods as “good” and “bad.
    - Struggle with compulsive exercise.
    - Experience stress around food.
    - Feel out of control around food/exercise.
    - Constantly strive to change your body.
    - Are always seeking a new diet or weight loss program.
    - Feel stress/anxiety around a missed workout.
    - Feel held back by body insecurity or food anxiety.
    - Struggle with body image.
    - Want to break free of limiting thoughts surrounding food/body/exercise.
    - Suspect you have an ED but are unsure what to do about it.
    - Or just need additional support on your ED recovery journey.

  • The reality is that the recovery process is nonlinear and unique to each individual. I am here to support you through your journey.